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robarebuns Profiilin Tiedot

Let Me Know How You Want It To Be
Ikä 62 Kaupungista Phoenix, Arizona - Kirjautunut sisään - Yli 2 viikkoa sitten
Mies Hae A Naista

Perus Informaatio

Osaan puhua  
Kuvailisin itseäni  
THE ONE with whom you will experience catharsis, release from the hurtful emotional baggage you have been carrying...every woman I am with tells me that she has experienced being on that beach where lovers lie when they have no more words to say....I can describe here how it will be but that will be NOTHING like the real experience.

Ulkonäkö ja Tilanne

Vartalonmallini on  
Pituuteni on  
5' 10 (1.78 m)
Silmienvärini on  
Etninen taustani on  
Aviosäätyni on  
Minulla on lapsia  
Kyllä - Ei kotona
Haluan lapsia  
Paras puoleni on  
Hiukseni ovat  
Minulla on yksi tai kaksi tällaista  
Ei lemmikeitä
Olen valmis muuttamaan  


Koulutukseni taso on  
Korkeakoulu tutkinto
Työllisyys tilanteeni on  
Viihde / Media
Työ tittelini on  
Tuloni per vuosi  
$60,000USD - $74,999USD
Kaikki on rauhallista
Kyllä - Seurassa


Yläasteella olin  
Sosiaalinen käyttäytymiseni  
Koominen, Flirttaileva, Ystävällinen, Sivustaseuraaja, Aina menossa, Varautunut, Bileiden aloittaja
Kiinnostuksen kohteet ja Harrastukseni ovat  
Telttailu, Tietokoneet, Kokkaus, Tanssiminen, Ruokailla, Kuntoilu, Internetti, Oppiminen, Elokuvat, Musiikki, Valokuvat, Lukeminen, Teatteri, Matkustaminen, Tv, Vapaaehtoistoiminta
Käsitykseni mukavasta ajanvietteestä on  
Kavereiden kanssa hengailu, Konserttiin meneminen, Museossa käyminen, Bilettäminen, Pukeutumisleikit, Rentoutuminen, Kotona oleskelu, Uusien asioiden kokeilu, Tv
Unelma treffini olisivat  
We greet each other, begin to talk, probe at what makes the other happy, try to find common ground, a place for our minds to meet, and we gradually, hesitantly get to "know each other"....or, you let me know in NO UNCERTAIN TERMS that you prefer us to begin a non-verbal exchange, leaving words behind.... All you need do is to take the palm of my hand and press it firmly against one of your butt cheeks...then I'll know what you want first is a spanking. Here's how that spanking will go:

SO I begin, as I always do, with your feet: take off those shoes, those socks, take your bare soles in my knowing and caressing hands, making contact with all those nerves in your soles
that connect to the rest of your body, and after some wonderful massage, gently, but unstoppably, slide my hands slowly up your calves, giving your thighs a firm slap and then a deep caress. Somehow here we are removing your pants or raising your skirt/shirt, and my palms will flatten against your sides of your hips, until I tickle up along the sides of your breasts, and soon you have lost all your lips are finding the sensitive spots in your neck and ears, until my hands are messing up your hair gently but thoroughly. At this point I have laid you face down across my lap, one arm around your midsection holding you firmly but lovingly. My palm rubs your butt cheeks and thighs in larger and larger circles everywhere, down to your knees and pressing hard, sliding my hands over your buttocks, and grasping one cheek firmly, my other hand raises and swings down with a loud KRAK! on the other butt cheek, then I switch cheeks, and while holding your still stinging butt cheek, I bring the palm down with another KRAK! on the other cheek....then begins the spanking on one cheek, somewhat lightly at first, but increasing with each slap! until that cheek is thoroughly aroused and en-rouged (a new kind of makeup I am giving you for your butt!), then we move on to the other cheek, bringing to the same level of heat and stinging, then there is a respite --- I rub the sore spots tenderly, gently, feeling the heat, letting you relax...and when you are ready, we begin again, but it is helter-skelter, no telling where the next spank will go, or how fast they come, and I am taking your senses to a new level of awareness of what your body, your lower regions can tell you about what they are feeling, and you are losing touch with the present, drifting into a state that is part numb, an overlapping of heat, pain, and ecstasy .....
Olen aina halunnut kokeilla  
Tantric sex; I have learned how to keep prolonged arousal without climaxing, allowing HER to use me as long as SHE wants and HER to control the timing of my climax. The special way that she will use to communicate (without words) her innermost pain to me is the beginning of THE SEX PROCESS between us.
Kaverini kuvailevat minun olevan  
Ystävällinen, Joku jota muut kadehtii, suosittu, Täydellinen, Epävarma, Flirtti


Uskontoni on  
Käyn säännöllisesti  
Ei koskaan
Tavoitteeni elämässäni on  
HERE, to be with the woman who really wants to go there with me, to that place identity is gone and there is only the glow of our bodies as we drift back down to what some call "reality".
Minun tapainen huumori on  
Älykäs, Kuiva / Sarkastinen, Ystävällinen


Televisiosta katson  
Uutiset, Draamat, Elokuvat
Kun menen elokuviin, lähden katsomaan  
Toiminta, Scifi, Komedia, Draama
Kun kuuntelen musiikkia, kuuntelen aina  
Klassinen, New age musiikki, Reggae musiikki, Rock musiikki
Kun luen, luen aina  
Eroottinen, Kaunokirjallisuus, Historia, Musiikki, Mysteeri, Filosofia, Runous, Satiiri, Tiede, Scifi, Olen Kirjailija
Käsitykseni hauskanpidosta on  
Communicating deep feelings in a non-verbal way and experiencing sex using newly discovered techniques not known or understood by the general public.


Mikä sinua vetää puoleensa?  
Kaljuus, Flirttaileva, Viisaus, Spontaanisuus
Mitä etsit?  
I am especially looking for any woman who wants to know and feel the new realms of non-verbal communication that is only available to us using our hands and intimate knowledge of each other's bodies.
Minkälaista suhdetta etsit?  
Kaveri, Päivämäärä, Muu, Ei väliä, Oraali seksi, Ylivalta, Sidonta, Ryhmäseksi, Haluan vain panna